Our Approach

Motel Value Chain

1 Pre Sales

  • Market Analysis
  • Product Differentiation
  • Marketing Strategy

2 Sales

  • Channel Management
  • Online Distribution
  • Social Media

3 Guest Experience

  • Pre Arrival
  • Arrival
  • Occcupancy
  • Departure
  • Post Arrival

4 Post Sales

  • Ongoing Engagement
  • Loyalty Program
  • Guest Feedback
  • Lessons Learned

5 People

6 Process

7 Technology

8 Infastructure

Redhill Hospitality Management Property Approach

At Redhill Hospitality we analyse each individual property along a value chain to optimise its performance in context of its market position.

Pre-Sales focuses on both macro and micro research – what are the opportunities in the market? What do guests need? (threshold requirements) What do guests want? (Potential distinctive requirements). How can the property be uniquely positioned to provide competitive advantage?

To deliver value, our approach emphasises People, Process, Technology and Infrastructure as key enablers:

People – At Redhill Hospitality, we value our staff. In context of their role, we look to provide a career path with learning opportunities, incentives and rewards. Our staff are provided with the ongoing support they need to succeed and are able to work in a collaborate and enjoyable environment.